Friday, November 8, 2013

Adding Drupal CAPTCHAs in code

The Drupal CAPTCHA module provides a great configuration page for adding captchas to webforms and forms created with the Drupal form API (created in code).  I recently encountered a situation with a custom, multi-page form that needed a CAPTCHA.  The problem was that the CAPTCHA was showing up on the first page of the form, which seemed like a strange user experience.  Fortunately, it is possible to insert a CAPTCHA into a FAPI form in code as well.

The #captcha_type will define which style of CAPTCHA will be displayed. ( Image and reCAPTCHA require that those modules are enabled in addition to the regular CAPTCHA module )

  $form['captcha_fieldset'] = array(   // wrapping in a fieldset so it looks better
    '#type'           => 'fieldset',
    '#title'          => 'CAPTCHA',
    '#collapsible'    => FALSE,
    '#collapsed'      => FALSE,

    'my_form_captcha' => array(
      '#type' => 'captcha',
      '#captcha_type' => 'captcha/Math'  // displays the default math captcha
      // '#captcha_type' => 'recaptcha/reCAPTCHA'  // requires the reCAPTCHA module
      // '#captcha_type' => 'image_captcha/Image',  // requires image_captcha module (distributed with the captcha module)

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